
A bit of my life in San Francisco. I've been here half my life, yet still find the city exciting and challenging.

Hjir sjochsto myn libben troch de fototastellins thús yn San Fransisko. Neat bysûnder, neat bûtengewoan. Lykas it is. Kalifornje hat my thús mear as 25 jier west. Hja bliuwt noch in heimsinnich geast. Ek wol ik jimme sjen litten mear fan de wyk, mei de pleatslikke ynwenners en treasors. Tige tank foar it besyk. Graach in boadskip skriuwe. Ik sil myn bêst dwaan jimme te antwurdzje. Dit doch ik út 'e grap....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Out and About

Lots of steps...but probably the view is worth it!

Delores Park from 20th and Church Sts

This was the site of Nippon...a wonderful sushi restaurant which burned several years ago. Finally the building has been put in habitable order. The blue is just an added plus!

The election is approaching....District 8 is up for grabs!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010